Membership with GTHS
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Support your favorite nonprofit and become involved.
It pays to BE A MEMBER! Get discounts at registration for your next German language class; receive emails with up to date information and our quarterly Journal to be in the know; beat the Christmas Market lines at our MEMBERS ONLY Christmas Pre-Sale, and so much more!
You can purchase GIFT CARDS here
To become a member and sign up online simply choose your membership type here:
Library/Society/Institution $40
“To give and then not feel that one has given is the very best of all ways of giving.” ~ Max Beerbohm
As a nonprofit, we appreciate and value every cent.
If you’d like to donate to the German-Texan Heritage Society, you can either write us a check, and mail it to:
P.O.Box 684171
Austin, Texas 78768
or come to the office at:
507 E. 10th Street
Austin, Texas 78701
Whether you’re a Texan of German descent, an individual or organization interested in preserving a historic landmark, a history buff, or someone who wants to learn more about the impact German Texans have made and continue to make on the history of Texas, we hope you will join us as we work together to meet our goals.
You can also download a New Membership Form and mail it to: GTHS, PO Box 684171, Austin, TX 78768. Otherwise, please call us at (512) 467-4569 to renew with a Visa, Discover or MasterCard. Danke!!
Membership with the German-Texan Heritage Society will be renewed automatically if you sign up through our online system called “Sawyer” or each January if you choose to send in your paper application.
Membership benefits include:
Annual conference
Quarterly Journal
German genealogy seminars
Advice on German genealogy research
Trenckmann Memorial Research Library
German translation assistance
German language classes for adults & children
Traditional German festivals: Maifest, Oktoberfest, Christmas Market
Preservation of GTHS headquarters, the historic German Free School built in1857
German round table discussions, speakers, exhibits
Social activities
Discounts on classes, programs & events
…and the satisfaction that you have contributed to saving your heritage!

Things you will help GTHS accomplish:
MEMBERSHIP: We’ve seen a dramatic increase and reached our 2021 goal of 600 members. Five years ago, the number was close to 300.
Future Goal: We have set the bar high to get 1,000 + members by 2023. Please tell your family and friends to become members. This is a direct way to support the growth of your Society and allow GTHS to expand programs and outreach activities.
Most of our cultural programs are free. Your membership makes them possible.
EDUCATION: Five years ago, we were only teaching from the German Free School location in Austin. Since that time, we were able to grow and launch additional class locations in San Antonio (kids / adults), West Austin (kids / adults), Round Rock (adults), Killeen (kids) and homeschool (in person and online). GTHS took a hit with COVID and had to scale back our operations to online teaching only for about a year. However, in the past six months we have been able to re-launch our in-person kids programs: Our Austin Saturday classes are full; we re-launched San Antonio with more than expected demand, and our long awaited dream of the German International School of Texas at Austin Pre-K launched!!
In addition to the above we have been able to accomplish the below:
• Became a Goethe Institut certified examination center. A HUGE accomplishment allowing us to give German level proficiency tests certified by the German government.
• Launched the German International School of Texas at Austin Pre-K, as highlighted above.
• First time ever we had three Vorschule (3-6 yr olds) classes on Saturday mornings, due to demand.
• Pre-Covid: San Antonio was on the way to be as big as Austin in terms of kids classes on Saturday mornings. We are on the best way to get there once again.
FUTURE GOALS: people ask us what our goals are for the educational program. Below is a concise listing of those goals by number.”
Goal #1. German International School of Texas at Austin Pre-K to have four classes +
(40 students) and a full waitlist to get in.
Goal #2. Launch the German International School of Texas at San Antonio Pre-K.
Goal #3. Launch the German Saturday School Programs as well as adult classes in La Grange, Fredericksburg, and New Braunfels.
Our language offerings are growing and there is demand. We are being asked to increase our Pre-K to elementary and middle school classes, to move our German language class offerings to a broader market in more Texas cities.
If you would like to support either financially, have connections, or locations we can utilize to hold our classes at, please let us know. A lot of effort takes place to get these programs launched, marketed, and supported. Your contributions help us rent locations/rooms to hold our classes at, help initiate those locations since start up is usually slow and does not cover teacher and rental location costs, and helps with initial supplies all of which are not covered by tuition money.
BUILDING: A total manicure, pedicure, and facelift of the GTHS building on the outside and garden areas occurred in the past two years with grants from the City of Austin. We started the process of restoring a wooden staircase that was part of the original 1800’s building but removed in the 1950’s. Architectural designs up to construction documents are funded via grants, however the cost of construction will require additional grants and or fundraising.
Our Heritage oaks in the gardens were recently cleaned up and given a "haircut" by certified arborists. They are looking better than ever and are in very healthy condition. We still have ball moss, but we were assured they do not do any harm to the trees by the arborists. As the arborist said, “if it was Spanish moss then everyone would love it hanging from the limbs.”
The bottom kids’ classroom had a complete top to bottom remodel, which now looks fantastic.
Your contributions will help us light up the German Free School building and trees with Christmas lights in 2022, allowing us to become one of the top three Christmas destinations in Austin. We would open on weekend evenings allowing people an opportunity to explore the GTHS gardens in a “German Texan Winter Wonderland” environment. The goal would be to hold a “lighting ceremony” at dusk during our Christmas Market Day.
If you would like to support us in this goal with connections, ideas, or financial support, please let us know.
FESTIVALS: Our festivals are starting to grow after Covid. Prior to Covid we had record breaking attendance for Oktoberfest and Christmas Market. We hope in 2022, we can get back to full festivals and enjoy them without limitations.
Leave a lasting impression on your community with a Will or Living Trust
Making a lasting difference in our community may be easier than you realize. With very simple language in your will or trust, you can support the German-Texan Heritage Society by carrying out work you believe in.
Most gifts to GTHS provide the added value of supporting your interests far into the future. Gifts are carefully invested to generate a permanent source of income for good work. This approach ultimately increases the value of every dollar given.
Here are some examples of bequest language that will direct your clients gift to their intended recipient:
"I give, devise and bequeath to the German-Texan Heritage Society at 507 E. 10th Street in Austin, Texas 78701, with the tax ID 74-2020973
1) The sum of $_____________." Or
2) __________% of my estate." Or
3) __________shares of stock in _______________Company." Or
4) My real property, parcel number #____________, located at____________________________."
"I give, devise and bequeath to the German-Texan Heritage Society at 501 E. 10th Street in Austin, Texas 78701, with the tax ID 74-2020973 [all or a percentage] of the residue of my estate."
*Residue is defined as that which remains after debts and expenses of administration, legacies and all other devises have been satisfied."
"In the event that [name of beneficiary] does not survive, I give devise and bequeath the decreased beneficiary’s gift to the German-Texan Heritage Society at 507 E. 10th Street in Austin, Texas 78701, with the tax ID 74-2020973 ."