Lu Hollander

Declaring herself a Tex-Okie, Lu Hollander spent a number of years living and working in Oklahoma City before returning to life in the picturesque Central Texas town of Brenham.
Lu’s German heritage is traced to her great-great-grandfather who came to Texas in the 1830s and settled not far from Brenham.
Holding both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, Lu worked with several large privately-held companies in their Marketing/Communications departments. Over the years, her work earned numerous regional and national awards for excellence.
A licensed pilot, Lu joined The Ninety-Nines, Inc., an organization for women pilots founded in 1929, serving as the organization’s magazine editor for six years. Having edited and designed several commemorative publications for the group, she was also elected its international president in 1992.
Shortly after moving to Brenham, Lu accepted a position with the Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) of the Washington County Chamber of Commerce as Advertising/Public Relations manager. During her 13-year tenure, the CVB’s annual budget grew from less than $200,000 to nearly $600,000, while the staff expanded from a one-person office to three full-time and three part-time positions.
Lu retired from her full-time position with the Chamber-CVB in September 2017. She continues fulfilling an active role in tourism through her volunteer position as secretary for the Texas Independence Trail Region board, the first and most historic of 10 Texas trail regions established by the Texas Historical Commission. She also recently rejoined the tourism arena by accepting a part-time position with Visit Brenham DMO, the tourism arm of the City of Brenham.
In addition to her GTHS board service, she also serves on the board of The Fortnightly Club of Brenham, the group that, in 1901, founded Brenham’s library and continues to provide ongoing support.