Kerstin Stewart

My name is Kerstin Stewart. I am from Germany and I have lived in and around Austin for the past 20 years. I live in Georgetown with my husband and our two teenagers.
I have worked with children for many years, as a nanny as well as in a childcare setting, and I am happy to work at the German International Preschool since January 2023. I think it's fantastic and fun to teach children a different language at a young age. Their understanding of different cultures and traditions as well as teaching them so many more words and grammar gives them greater freedom and opportunity later on in life!
"Learning another language isn't only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things."
-Flora Lewis
“Bilingualism is an incredible gift to give to a child. It goes beyond just learning another language. It broadens mental development, thought patterns, and world perspective.”