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GTHS Cooks

Your taste buds will do a Freudentanz!
Do you love cooking and baking?
Do you love German cuisine? Then this class is for you. 

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Join our hand’s on, kid’s cooking class.  Chef Ines Mosley will share basic cooking skills in an easy to understand way for your children to learn. In a hand’s on class, your child will learn to make an all-time fav spaghetti Bolognese and fruit cups.

This engaging 2 hour class is appropriate for children ages 5-10. The small class size of 10 or less with 2 instructors allows each child to have individual attention.  

The fun environment lets kids learn and truly enjoy the art of cooking.  At the end all the children will enjoy eating the meal they created and leave with a written recipe to make again at home!


Date: Saturday, April 26th from 12:20 pm – 2:20 pm. 

Price: $50 per child, to book your class. 

Location: German-Texan Heritage Society 

507 E 10th Street, Austin, TX 78701

ADULT Cooking Classes with Birgitt.
This spring Birgitt will teach us:

February 23rd          Rindsrouladen / beef roulades


March 2nd               Rotkraut und Servietten Knödel / red cabbage and napkin dumplings


March 9th                Siebenbürger Bohnensalat und Hackfleischklopse /  Siebenbürger bean salad and meat balls


March 16th              Schnitzel und Kartoffelsalat / Schnitzel and potato salad

Three life online lessons from the comfort
of your own home. The fourth lesson will be in person
at GTHS. You can sign up per class or for the entire session.
Your teacher will send you a shopping list the week before.


Come join us for German cooking and baking lessons from the comfort of your own home with the opportunity to learn tips and tricks from a native German baking & cooking enthusiast in live virtual seminars! Enjoy your favorite beverage, German or not — we don’t judge, and pick up some German phrases, customs and culture. 


Shopping lists, so you can cook along, will be sent out the week before class.

So sign up early and check your spam folder for the zoom link and shopping lists.

*Note that class duration will vary depending on the prepared dish, but will generally last two hours. Some recipes may be subject to change.

Seats are very limited! First come first serve.

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