GTHS Strategic Planning Statement
We envision that the people of Texas today and in generations to come will be well informed about the cultural values and heritage of German-Texans and that they will embrace the societal benefits of all cultural and heritage diversity within the communities of our State.
Our Mission
As a nonprofit organization we are committed to the preservation of the history and heritage of German-Texans by promoting and providing educational experiences in its culture and language and by encouraging within our Texas public schools, colleges, private institutions and other organizations similar learning opportunities in all of the heritage, values and language that make up the unique culture of our state.

Our Values
We believe in and support these values:
That cultural heritage diversity is a significant social influence that promotes positive growth and development within Texas communities and in our American way of life.
That educational experiences in culture and language in our schools and colleges contribute to the social and economic vitality of our State, and
That engaging in shared celebrations of our German-Texan heritage with other Texas heritage groups expands our understanding of common values in cultures and enhances our bonding identities as Texans.